Private Beta Access Available

Swift Package Registry for Faster, Secure Builds

A private registry for Swift packages that ensures build reproducibility, speeds up dependency resolution by 10x, and reduces bandwidth usage by up to 90% for both open-source and private packages.

Immutable Versions
Faster Builds
Security Auditable
import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "MyApp",
    dependencies: [
            id: "company.analytics",
            from: "1.2.0"
            id: "company.networking",
            from: "2.0.0"
Reproducible Builds
Faster Resolution
Smaller Downloads
Easy Package Auditing

Key Features

SwiftHive provides a reliable foundation for managing both open-source and private Swift packages, ensuring consistent builds and faster development cycles.

Swift Package Registry Benefits for Developers

See how SwiftHive improves your Swift package management compared to traditional Git-based approaches

Feature Git-Based Packages SwiftHive Registry
Version Immutability Tags can be changed or deleted Versions are permanent once published
Repository Size Full Git history (can exceed 1GB) Optimized archives (up to 90% smaller)
Build Reproducibility Not guaranteed if tags are modified Guaranteed across all environments
Resolution Speed Slow (clones entire repositories) Fast (downloads optimized archives)
Security Auditing Difficult with changing references Easy with immutable package versions

Deployment Options


Fully managed solution with minimal setup

  • Managed infrastructure - no servers to maintain
  • Automatic updates and security patches
  • Scalable resources based on your needs
  • 99.9% uptime guarantee with SLA
  • Dedicated support team


Self-hosted within your infrastructure

  • Host in your own data center or private cloud environment
  • Comply with industry-specific regulatory requirements
  • Integrate with your existing security and authentication systems
  • Docker container for easy deployment
  • Installation support and consultancy

Not sure which option is right for you?

Contact our team for a personalized consultation to determine the best deployment model for your organization's needs.

Contact Sales

How It Works

1. Publish Packages

Publish your Swift packages to your private SwiftHive registry. Packages are stored as archives, significantly reducing their size compared to Git repositories.

  • Secure authentication
  • Version management
$ swift package-registry publish
Optimizing package (removing Git history, tests)...
Compressing (90% size reduction achieved)...
Package mycompany.lib 1.0.0 published successfully!
// swift-tools-version: 6.0
import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
  name: "MyProject",
  dependencies: [
      id: "mycompany.lib", 
      from: "1.0.0"

2. Use in Your Projects

Reference your private packages with standard SPM syntax. Once a version is published, it becomes immutable, ensuring consistent builds across all environments.

  • Standard Swift Package Manager syntax
  • Immutable versions
  • Guaranteed reproducibility

3. Faster Dependency Resolution

Swift Package Manager resolves and downloads optimized package archives from your registry instead of cloning entire Git repositories, dramatically improving speed.

  • Up to 10x faster resolution
  • Smaller bandwidth usage
  • Efficient caching
$ swift build
Resolving dependencies...
Fetching mycompany.lib from registry (2MB vs 350MB Git repo)...
Download complete in 0.8s (was 15.2s with Git)...
Building dependencies...

Getting Started

1. Login to the Registry

swifthivecli login --registry-url https://your-swifthive-instance.swifthive.dev

This will prompt you for your SwiftHive Registry credentials.

2. Configure Your Client

swift package-registry set https://your-swifthive-instance.swifthive.dev

3. Use Packages from the Registry

// In your Package.swift
dependencies: [
  .package(id: "mycompany.packagename", from: "1.0.0")

Swift Package Manager will automatically use your configured registry to download packages.

Join Our Private Beta

Get early access to SwiftHive and help shape the future of Swift package management.

We'll review your application and be in touch soon.